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jQuery Migrate Helper

Right now, you are using a plugin to support some old code in this website’s jQuery JavaScript library. That code is deprecated, meaning it is basically obsolete and is losing the support of your themes and plugins and WordPress itself.
This plugin, called Enable jQuery Migrate Helper, is not a fix. It is a temporary solution to give your plugin and theme authors time to update.

If you get warnings, please check for updated versions of the plugin or theme that generated the warning. There will very likely be one you can install. When you have updated your plugins and themes, and there are no more warnings, please deactivate Enable jQuery Migrate Helper.

You are currently using a legacy version of jQuery. It has no support and doesn’t receive security updates. Please upgrade as soon as possible.

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jQuery Migrate Helper

No deprecations have been logged on this site in a while, you may no longer need this plugin.

Please note that not all jQuery deprecation notices are recorded in the log. Deprecation notices that occur on public pages (front end) are recorded. Notices from the admin pages (back end) are only recorded if the immediate deprecation notices in the admin bar are turned off. Also keep in mind that under WordPress 5.6 logging of deprecation notices are only logged if logging is specifically enabled by the user.

This means you should still check that things work as expected after you have disabled the plugin, and if you know there have been warnings in the admin pages, you may still need to reach out to the authors of the affected plugin or theme.

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Dean Goodrich | Kuiper Law Firm
Dean is a staff editor at SMU’s Science and Technology Law Review Journal, where he is a nominee for publishment, and competed at the 2022 National Criminal Trial Advocacy Competition in San Francisc…
Attorney Title
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Attorney Title
Site Title
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#Attorney Title | #Site Title 

Attorney Content
Attorney Content
The content of your attorney.
Attorney Date
Attorney Date
The date when the attorney was published, localized.
Attorney Day
Attorney Day
The day of the month when the attorney was published, localized.
Attorney Excerpt
Attorney Excerpt
The excerpt defined on your attorney.
Attorney Excerpt Only
Attorney Excerpt Only
The excerpt defined on your attorney. Will not fall back to the post content.
Attorney Month
Attorney Month
The month when the attorney was published, localized.
Attorney Title
Attorney Title
The original title of the current post.
Attorney Year
Attorney Year
The year when the attorney was published, localized.
Author First Name
Author First Name
The first name of the post author.
Author Last Name
Author Last Name
The last name of the post author.
Author Name
Author Name
The display name of the post author.
Category Title
Category Title
Current or first category title.
Current Date
Current Date
The current date, localized.
Current Day
Current Day
The current day of the month, localized.
Current Month
Current Month
The current month, localized.
Current Year
Current Year
The current year, localized.
Custom Field
Custom Field
A custom field from the current attorney.
The permalink for the current attorney.
The separator defined in the search appearance settings.
Site Title
Site Title
Your site title.
The tagline for your site, set in the general settings.
Taxonomy Name
Taxonomy Name
The name of the first term of a given taxonomy that is assigned to the current attorney.
Meta Description
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Attorney Excerpt
Attorney Content
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#Attorney Content 

Attorney Content
Attorney Content
The content of your attorney.
Attorney Date
Attorney Date
The date when the attorney was published, localized.
Attorney Day
Attorney Day
The day of the month when the attorney was published, localized.
Attorney Excerpt
Attorney Excerpt
The excerpt defined on your attorney.
Attorney Excerpt Only
Attorney Excerpt Only
The excerpt defined on your attorney. Will not fall back to the post content.
Attorney Month
Attorney Month
The month when the attorney was published, localized.
Attorney Title
Attorney Title
The original title of the current post.
Attorney Year
Attorney Year
The year when the attorney was published, localized.
Author First Name
Author First Name
The first name of the post author.
Author Last Name
Author Last Name
The last name of the post author.
Author Name
Author Name
The display name of the post author.
Category Title
Category Title
Current or first category title.
Current Date
Current Date
The current date, localized.
Current Day
Current Day
The current day of the month, localized.
Current Month
Current Month
The current month, localized.
Current Year
Current Year
The current year, localized.
Custom Field
Custom Field
A custom field from the current attorney.
The permalink for the current attorney.
The separator defined in the search appearance settings.
Site Title
Site Title
Your site title.
The tagline for your site, set in the general settings.
Taxonomy Name
Taxonomy Name
The name of the first term of a given taxonomy that is assigned to the current attorney.
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    The meta description is over 160 characters.

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    This is far below the recommended minimum of words.

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Excerpts are optional hand-crafted summaries of your content that can be used in your theme. Learn more about manual excerpts.

