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Kuiper Law Firm provides top-tier representation to our clients in the area of Oil, Gas & Mineral Law.

Our experience varies to our clients’ needs, ranging in all shapes and sizes from $100k to over $100M transactions.

As seasoned Landmen themselves, our attorneys understand the complexities of acquisition and divestiture transactions, allowing us to properly and effectively provide strategic counsel. We provide assistance with due diligence, negotiating and structuring transactions and provide professional guidance throughout and beyond the life of the transaction.

We have earned the trust of our clients throughout multiple deals, demonstrating ourselves as valuable partner in the Oil & Gas industry.

Our Oil, Gas & Mineral Law service offering includes:

  • Division order title opinions
  • Drillsite title opinions
  • Leasehold acquisition title opinions
  • Limited title letter opinions
  • Memoranda covering litigious title matters
  • Opinions covering onshore and offshore state and federal lands
  • Rendering stand-up title opinions in several states
  • Supplemental title opinions
  • Leasehold and acquisition title opinions
  • Oil and gas property acquisition and divestiture
  • Surface ownership letter opinions
  • Deal sizes ranging from $100k to $100 Million +
  • Easements and rights-of-way
  • Farmout agreements
  • Joint operating agreements
  • Master service agreements
  • Mineral receivership
  • Oil, gas and mineral leases
  • Pooling and unitization agreements
  • Purchase and sale agreements
  • Ratification agreements
  • Regulatory
  • Salt water disposal agreements
  • Surface use and surface damage agreements
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