Analyzing SCOTUS’ Decision in Sackett v. EPA

Introduction ​On May 25, 2023, the United States Supreme Court issued a decision in Sackett v. EPA, which involved a challenge to the Environmental Protection Agency’s (“EPA”) enforcement of the Clean Water Act of 1972 (“CWA”). The CWA covers “navigable waters,” statutorily defined as the “waters of the United States” (“WOTUS”), as opposed to bodies...
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Recent Advances in Nuclear Energy

Nuclear energy has been discreetly powering America with clean, carbon-free electricity for the last 60 years. There are ninety-two commercial reactors across over half the states in the US today. Last year, nuclear energy provided 47% of America’s carbon-free electricity, making it the largest domestic source of clean energy. Nuclear energy can be a controversial...
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Pore Space Ownership and Utilization

INTRODUCTION Pore space ownership poses a novel property law issue concerning carbon dioxide sequestration in underground geological formations within the United States. One must grasp the distinction between surface and mineral estates to properly assess pore space ownership and effectively execute land acquisitions for carbon storage agreements. The surface estate encompasses elements above ground, including...
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Regulatory Update: Saltwater Disposal Wells and Increased Seismicity

Historically, Texas has not been known for any meaningful seismic activity.  However, minor earthquakes have dramatically increased in recent years, particularly in the Permian Basin.  In 2021 alone, west Texas experienced roughly 2,000 earthquakes, which was almost double the amount recorded in 2020.  While many of these earthquakes have not caused any significant damage, there...
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Carbon Sequestration in Texas

The first major offshore Carbon Capture and Sequestration (CCS) project is set to take place on Texas’ Gulf Coast. Carbon Sequestration is the process of injecting Carbon Dioxide (CO2) into geologic formations and trapping it in the pore space. Talos Energy Inc., a prominent offshore energy company in the Gulf of Mexico and Carbonvert, Inc.,...
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